Party Hats

Party hats are rare limited edition hats that only come out once a year on October 24th. The same party hat never returns as there is a new party hat each year! So remember to get the party hat when it comes out! Below is information about all the party hats on club penguin!

                                                      Beta Hat
The Beta Hat was the first ever party hat and is the most rarest item on club penguin.The reason it is really rare is because the beta test party was only on for a few hours and not many penguins got the hat.



                                                      1st year hat
The 1st Year Anniversary Hat was released on October 24th 2006 and it is the second rarest item on club penguin.The hat had green and blue stripes across it. The coffee shop had green and blue balloons with a cake which had a number 1 candle on the top. The coffee shop in the town was a  giant cake!

                                                            2nd year hat
The 2nd Year Anniversary Hat Came out in 2007 on the same day as the 1st year and beta hat. It is also a very rare item on club penguin. The days for the anniversary parties (except 5th and 6th year) are one day long.The coffee shop has the same color of balloons that the hat has. The 3rd year cake had a candle on the top which was a 2. The middle of the cake had penguins holding
the top of the cake.


                                                 3rd year hat
The 3rd Anniversary Hat Came Out in 2008 and is the same as other years. The hat had 3 colors this time.The cake in the coffee shop was almost falling off the table with a penguin holding a 3 in it's hand.Once you made the top of the cake fall you could recieve the 3rd year hat!


                                                4th year hat
The 4th Party Hat came out in 2009 and had a another cake! The cake was green and blue this time with a number 4 candle on the top! The balloons were blue and purple. The Hat was blue and purple just like the balloons.


                                          5th year hat
The 5th Party Hat came out in 2010 and was a day early and ended a day late. The music was the same as the water party. Near the staircase was a shelf with the previous party hats and the beta hat in a box with a glass window. This party hat had 5 different colors. 

                                                       6th year hat
The 6th Year Party Hat came out in 2011 during the halloween party. This is the first anniversary to occur during another party. In order to recieve the party hat you had to click a pumpkin which would pop the balloons and the balloon holding the party hat, then you would click on the hat and recieve it! 

                                                       7th year hat

The 7th party hat came out on October 23rd. The party was 2 days long this year (October 23-24)
The coffee shop had red and orange balloons. The cake had a number 7 on the top! To get the hat you had to click on it:


                                                    8th Year Party Hat

The 8th year party hat has not been released yet, come check back next year.

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